Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage!
Our Reception Class Teacher is Sophie Brown.
Our Nursery Teacher is Hannah Sesstein Hogg.
Our Lead Practitioner is Domenica Torrano and our Learning Support Assistants are Lisa, Ola, Shen, Chloe, and Fadoua.
EYFS Curriculum Leaflets
Please see our Curriculum Leaflets for this academic year. These Curriculum Leaflets aim to provide you with key information regarding your child’s learning and curriculum each half term.
EYFS Family Learning Projects
Please see the Family Learning Projects for your child in EYFS. There is a Family Learning Project per half term and they are linked to our learning adventures in class. See how many of the tasks you and your family can complete.
Dec 182024
Reception Gets into the Festive Spirit with a Christmas Sing-Along
The Reception class has been spreading festive cheer as they prepare for the holiday season! Over the past few weeks, they’ve been hard at work practicing a special Christmas sing-along, and their performance was nothing short of magical.
The children learned to sing two classic Christmas songs—Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer and We Wish You a Merry Christmas—but with a twist! Not only did they sing the songs with enthusiasm, but they also practiced using sign language to accompany their lyrics, adding a wonderful visual element to the performance.
Parents were invited to watch the heart-warming performance, and they were thrilled to see the children so engaged and full of festive spirit. The combination of singing and signing made the event even more special, showcasing the hard work and creativity of our little stars.
A big thank you to our Reception class for their amazing effort and to the parents for their continued support. We hope this festive performance has filled your hearts with joy, and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dec 122024
Paddington Bear & his mysterious suitcase
The Nursery children were curious to find our suitcase containing some items belonging to a mysterious character. The children discussed the various items, what they looked like and who they could belong to. We thought about different story characters and the children determined that the suitcase belonged to Paddington Bear.
Linking into our whole school topic in the Spring term, we talked about who Paddington Bear was and thought about other stories about bears. The children were very excited to see our home corner turn into the three bears cottage and have been very engaged with role playing as the three bears. Our porridge oats sensory tray was a very popular choice where the children retold the story using the props available and compared the sizes of the bowls where they were able to use their mathematical vocabulary.
Nov 212024
Exploring “The Three Little Pigs”!
This week, our Reception class has been diving into the classic tale of The Three Little Pigs. The children have loved exploring this story through a range of exciting activities across the curriculum!
In Maths, we linked the theme to pattern-making, with the children completing and creating their own patterns inspired by the story. In English, we focused on early writing skills, including labelling our drawings and creating story maps to bring the tale to life.
We also took our learning outdoors, where the children worked in groups to collect sticks for building miniature houses. They experimented with construction techniques and developed important teamwork skills as they competed to see which group could gather the most sticks.
We’re looking forward to continuing with The Three Little Pigs next week as we build on the children’s learning and creativity…
Nov 152024
Remembrance Week
The Nursery children have learnt the meaning behind the poppy and were very engaged in a range of activities. They worked collaboratively on a piece of artwork experimenting with the different marks they could make with paintbrushes, worked on developing their maths skills and fine motor skills using tweezers and matching quantity to numerals, some children also extended this activity by experimenting with repeated patterns and the children enjoyed making (and eating) their poppy biscuits.