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Our most recent Ofsted inspection was 2nd and 3rd March 2022

“Pupils flourish at this friendly, inclusive school. They feel safe here. They have warm, respectful relationships with each other and with the adults who help them. This is a thriving and diverse community. Pupils are helped to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.”

“The programme of wider development at the school is exceptional.”

“Behaviour at the school is extremely positive. Pupils play happily across year groups in the playground. They support each other to meet the adults’ high expectations. In lessons, pupils try their best. They strive to earn badges for demonstrating values such as curiosity, bravery and respect. Pupils know what bullying is. They are confident that the adults will deal with it on the rare occasions it arises.”

“School leaders have worked with passion and skill to bring about improvements in the school.”

“Leaders have successfully developed the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Consequently, teachers plan learning that is well matched to the interests and capabilities of pupils of all abilities.”

“Pupils have access to a broad range of extra-curricular clubs, which include good opportunities to participate in sporting activities.”

Latest Ofsted Inspection Report on the Ofsted website:

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