The London Colney Local Governing Body will provide close scrutiny of teaching, learning and achievement across the school and have parental representation. The Board of governors will provide an oversight of all aspects of the work of the school, the governors as a whole and ensure that we make best use of all the resources that are available.
The main role of the governing body is to help raise the standards and performance of the school by supporting the work of the Headteacher and the staff. Governors support and, at the same time, challenge the Headteacher by gathering views, asking questions and deciding what is best for the school.
Governors make important decisions on policies and strategies and have to stand by their decisions. The governing body is answerable to parents, Ofsted and the wider community. Some of the things School Governors are expected to be involved in include
- with the Headteacher, and staff, planning the future of the school involvement in staff appointments, including selection of the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher
- setting standards for staff and pupil behaviour, and supporting the Headteacher, taking disciplinary action where necessary
- making decisions on the school’s budget, expenditure and staffing
- contributing to how the school can encourage pupils’ spiritual, moral and cultural development
- ensuring that the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs
- representing the local community.
We have a focus on three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and the children, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Being a Governor is both very interesting and fulfilling. We have to deal with lots of different issues such as staff development, performance management, health & safety together with premises and personnel issues.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor you can always contact the Chair of Governors via the school office.
Name | Type of Governor | Committee | Other Responsibilities | Date of Appointment | Dates of Term | Attendance at FGB Meetings | Declarations |
Maggie Kirby (Chair) |
Co-opted | PRaF |
08/05/2015 | 08/05/19 to 07/05/23 | 3/3 | NA |
Evelyn Akbolat | Co-opted | T&L |
14/01/2013 | 10/06/19 to 11/06/23 | 3/3 | School employee of Hertfordshire County Council |
Elena Journet | Co-opted | T&L |
14/07/2022 | 14/07/22 to 13/07/26 | Owner of Little Nightingales Pre-school and Nursery | |
Peter Mclean | Co-opted | PRaF |
14/07/2022 | 14/07/22 to 13/07/26 | NA | |
Sarah Joyce | Headteacher | T&L
PRaF |
01/09/2016 | 3/3 | NA | ||
Theresa Clements | Teacher Governor | T&L |
01/02/2015 | 01/02/19 to 31/01/23 | 3/3 | Employee of HFL Education |
T&L = Teaching and Learning
PRaF = Personal Resources and Finance
Please see below for attendance at Governors meetings: