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Year 4 – Joe Todd-Stanton

Welcome to Year 4!

Our Class Teacher is Theresa Clements and our Learning Support Assistant is Emma Smith.

Year 4 Knowledge Organisers

Please see our Knowledge Organisers for this Academic Year. These Knowledge Organisers are a snap shot of our learning that takes place in units of work across English, Maths, History / Geography and Science. Please use them at home to quiz your child on their learning and see how much knowledge they can remember.

Year 4 Family Learning Projects

Please see the Family Learning Projects for your child in Year 4. There is a Family Learning Project per half term and they are linked to our learning adventures in class. See how many of the tasks you and your family can complete.

Year 4 Curriculum Leaflets

Please see our Curriculum Leaflets for this academic year. These Curriculum Leaflets aim to provide you with key information regarding your child’s learning and curriculum each half term.