
Parents’ Information

School Times 8.45am – Children may enter school where breakfast is available in classrooms. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will greet the children at the school gate each morning. 9.00am – Registration (compulsory start of the day) 9.00am – 10.30am – Morning Session 1 10.30am – 10.45am – Break Time 10.45am – 12.05pm …

Parent Forum

At London Colney we know that feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement. We apply this philosophy not only in our daily teaching and learning but also in our relationships with parents and other stakeholders. We are constantly seeking parent feedback in order to help us know what we are …


In the event of a National or Local Lockdown, based on Government advice and policy or if a class bubble was required to shut, school / bubbles would be closed to pupils except for Key Worker and Vulnerable children.  We would continue to teach and interact with all our children remotely, using Class DoJo. We …


At London Colney Primary School, we make an extra effort to ensure all pupils are aware of how to stay safe when using technology and the internet. eSafety is taught throughout our Computing curriculum in all year groups. In addition to this, we hold eSafety parent workshops and ensure that all relevant and up to date information is shared with parents and carers. We …


Here at London Colney we are continually striving for excellence in all areas, including our school attendance. Children are regularly spoken to about how important good attendance is and the need to be at school on time every day. Within school, we have our attendance mascot – OTIS (On Time In School) who the children …

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club Here at London Colney Primary School, we are pleased to offer a daily Breakfast Club for children in all year groups. Our Breakfast club is run by Alison Booker and Emma Smith and runs from 8.00am until 8.45am. Each morning, a range of different activities are on offer including art and craft, sport, …


We continue to work hard to provide a range of extra-curricular activities here at London Colney and the clubs for this term have been based on the pupils’ requests and we hope that you and your child will find the choices both fun and enriching. All clubs work on a first come first serve basis …

School Uniform

At London Colney we try to ensure that our children are as active as possible during the day to help develop their physical ability and promote a healthy life style. As part of this, the children of London Colney are encouraged to wear an ‘Active School Uniform’. This means that on days your child has …

School Meals

At London Colney Primary School, we provide nutritious, healthy food, which we serve in an environment that promotes social interaction between the children. We pride ourselves in the quality of our meals. Each day there are a variety of options that the children can choose from including a hot, meat option, a vegetarian option, a …

Online Payments

Here at London Colney, we are a cashless school. To be able to support parents with making easy payments we use School Gateway. To activate your School Gateway account all you need are your email address and mobile number that school holds on record for you. Download the app: If you have a smartphone, please …


Data Protection Officer: Mrs Elena Journet – On the 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force in the UK.  These are new data protection regulations built upon the Data Protection Act of 1998. GDPR requires public authorities and businesses to identify the lawful basis for storing personal data, audit …