This half term, pupils in Year 2 (both at school as part of a bubble or those working at home) have dived into their lockdown learning. They have worked with determination and enthusiasm over the past 6 weeks and have produced some incredible work based on our learning focuses.
In English this half term, we have been focusing on the story ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram. Year 2 explored the story Bob and his job on the moon. The children developed their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills, working towards retelling the story. Year 2 really enjoyed this book and we found the mischievous aliens funny!
- Our ‘Man on the Moon’ work
- Our ‘Man on the Moon’ work
- Our ‘Man on the Moon’ work
- Our ‘Man on the Moon’ work
In Maths this half term, we have developed our skills, both in being able to tell the time and with adding and subtracting. Year 2 began the half term with learning to tell the time using an analogue clock, including reading the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and to 5 minute intervals. We then moved onto developing our addition and subtraction skills, exploring number bonds to 10 and 20 and adding and subtracting numbers within 20. We also were learning to use facts that we know to derive related ones.
In our topic work, we were learning about the significant person – Neil Armstrong. We explored his life and the famous moon landing he was apart of. We linked our learning to our English text and researched the moon. We also linked our DT work on vehicles and learned about the different parts of a vehicle, including the axles, chassis, washers and body, resulting in us designing and making our own space buggies.
In our science this half term, we were continuing to learn about animals including humans. We learned about what animals and humans needed to survive and how they change as they grow. We also explored how an animals environment can support their survival.