Year 6 have been amazing with their home learning this term. They have demonstrated their ability to work independently, problem solve and develop skills of perseverance with their learning. Thank you to everyone involved in keeping the learning going – you’ve all been incredible!
Our World War Two topic focused on the events that led to World war Two as well as a key focus on evacuees and the use of propaganda.
In English, we followed the story of Lenny, an evacuee who lived through the Blitz. His father gave him a badge featuring a lion representing bravery and a unicorn for courage.
We also became news reporters and found out about events that happened in London Colney during World War Two. Did you know a German spy was found in London Colney ? We also reported on unexploded grenades, war memorials and evacuees from London Colney.
Our science topic this term has been electricity and we have learned all about circuits and how circuits provides a path that carries an electrical current. Some materials do not allow electricity to pass through them, whilst others do. We learnt they are called insulators and conductors.
During our non screen times, we have been busy learning new skills. We have also been thinking about how to stay safe online. Have a look at our impressive artwork!
- Youssef’maths
- Big Write
- Editing Big Write
- Big Write
- Big Write
- Non chronological report
- Leaders in WW2Lenny
- Lenny
- Prove it maths
- Bar model
- percentages
- Maths
- Maths
- Lucas E-Safetty Poster
- Important E Safety
- News Reporter
- News just in
- War Memorial reporting
- Blitz Artwork
- Blackout Rules
- Blitz artwork
- Budddhism
- No screen artwork
- Impressive artwork
- Shantira’s sleeve
- Lexie Curly Wurly Stretching
- Umayyah teachers herself a skill.
- Symbols
- circuits
- Food prep
- The end result!