Lockdown Learners of the Week

We have loved seeing all the amazing home learning you have been doing. Please do continue to share this with us so we can award Dojo points and  showcase it on our website!

A great big thank you to all the parents that continue to support their children with home learning. We truly appreciate any effort that has been made to ensure your children continue with their education whilst schools are closed.


In Nursery, Explorers Learners of the Week are Owen and Anna Maria! Owen for his commitment every week to do the activities and Anna Maria for showing interest in her learning and using great language.


In Reception, Explorers Learners of the Week are Teddie and Thaio!

Reception Explorers having made some fantastic inventions this week with their junk modelling skills. Here is Teddie’s Spider Catcher. Can you see that she used the stabilisers from her bicycle? Teddie learnt to ride without stabilisers at the weekend. She has also been working on becoming familiar with daily routines and time. Teddie is our Lockdown Learner of the Week this week.

Thaio has been working really hard on learning about shapes and their properties. He has been practising his sounds too. He has loved making music using the BBC Play that Noise game. Thaio, you are our Lockdown Learner of the Week! Well done to both of you for all your super hard work!

Year 1

In Year 1, Discoverers Learners of the Week are Bobby and Goodnews! They have both been working really hard at home. Here is some photos of what they have been doing:

Many other children in the class put in a lot of effort this week too here is just a few more of the amazing work we have had this week:

Year 2

In Year 2, Discoverers Learners of the Week are Alex and Joseph! Both Alex and Joseph have been working especially hard this week. Here is just some of the work they have shared on Dojo:

Many other children in the class put in a lot of effort this week too here is just a few more of the amazing work we have had this week:

Year 3

In Year 3, Adventurers Learners of the Week are Luke and Jaden! Luke has been working particularly hard on his comprehension skills this week with his Purple Mash tasks and Jaden has been working super hard on his writing.

Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 3 have been doing at home. Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!

Year 4

In Year 4, Adventurers Learners of the Week are Lucy and Ayah! Lucy has been applying her maths work to real life situations and practised measuring and Kenzie has written a fantastic poem. Both children have been working extremely hard and have been sending in all their work daily.

Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 4 have been doing at home. Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!

Year 5

In Year 5, Pioneers Learners of the Week are Rosa and Hanifa! Rosa has been doggedly determined with her Maths this week, and has admitted she finds it tough but has given it her best. Keep up the great work Rosa! Well done to Hanifa for being a brilliant independent learner this week! I am amazed at how much work you have been doing at home, and particularly liked your poem about dreams!

Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 5 have been doing at home! Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!

Year 6

In Year 6, Pioneers Learners of the Week are Archie and Chanelle! Archie has done a fantastic job at completing all of his purple mash activities, and we particularly enjoyed you reading the poem – Superheroes I could have been. Well done to Chanelle for all of her hard work, you have been really reflective in all of our dojo activities, and have been working hard at home. Keep the amazing work both of you.

Take a look at what Year 6 have been up to at home. You are all doing an amazing job, keep it up!