Welcome back to our final term! We have loved seeing all the amazing home learning you have been doing. Please do continue to share this with us so we can award Dojo points and showcase it on our website!
A great big thank you to all the parents that continue to support their children with home learning. We truly appreciate any effort that has been made to ensure your children continue with their education whilst schools are closed.
In Nursery, Explorers Learners of the Week are Anna Maria and Afnan! Both these Explorers have been working very hard at home and have been doing tons of learning! Here is a few of the things they been up to:
Afnan’s instruction following
Afnan’s instruction following 2
Anna Maria’s Instruction following
Anna Maria measuring herself using books
Many other children in the class put in a lot of effort this week too here is just a few more of the amazing work we have had this week:
Jaxson helping to cook
Jaxson’s wakey wakey activities
Precious reading
Precious’ Instruction following
Saphire inspecting the strawberries she has been growing
Saphire and her tomato plant
Reception has had a great week. We have had fun communicating and have told jokes, made phone calls and performed songs. You have all been amazing! In Reception, Explorers Learners of the Week are Teddie and Luca!
Teddie has been recognising coins and learning their value. She even worked out how much her hand is worth. Luca has enjoyed writing letters and improving his writing skills. Keep it up and well done everyone!
Luca’s letter
Luca’s letter 2
Teddie’s Kindness badge
Teddie counting the coins that can fit in her hand print
Teddie practising the months of the year
Teddie’s creative maths
Year 1
In Year 1, Discoverers Learners of the Week are Eloise and Olivia! Both Eloise and Olivia have been very busy working at home, they have gone the extra mile with their home learning this week. Here is just a few of the things they have been doing:
Olivia making music with glasses of water
Olivia reading her story
Olivia’s tree decorations
Eloise making music with glasses of water
Eloise’s tree decroations
Eloise reading her story.
Many other children in the class put in a lot of effort this week too here is just a few more of the amazing work we have had this week:
NIshy enjoying the outdoors with Dad
Nishy’s work on senses
Mohammed’s homemade fox
Mohammed’s lion drawing
Lola’s tomato plants growing
Lola enjoying the strawberries she has been growing
Goodnews reading
Goodnews showing us how to wash your hands properly
Year 2
In Year 2, Discoverers Learners of the Week are Joseph and Zaynab! Joseph and Zaynab have been very busy with their home learning this week. Here is some photos of what they have been up to:
Zaynab’s description of the animal in the story
Zaynab’s maths work on rotation
Zaynab practising her handwriting
Joseph challenging himself to year 3 English work
Joseph mindfulness bubbles
Joseph’s writing on habitiats
Many other children in the class put in a lot of effort this week too here is just a few more of the amazing work we have had this week:
Rico having riding lessons
Rico’s drawings
Charlie enjoying the garden at school
Charlie working hard in the classroom
Alex’s Maths work
Alex’s practising addition up to 100
Year 3
In Year 3, Adventurers Learners of the Week are Iulia and Jaden! Both children have been working super hard with their home learning and have done some amazing work.
Iulia’s shape work
Iulia’s handwriting
Iulia’s symmetry work
Iulia’s times tables work
Jaden’s book review
Jaden’s drawing
Jaden’s definition work
Jaden’s English work
Jaden’s french work
Jaden’s symmetry work
Jaden’s response to a poem
Jaden’s times tables work
Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 3 have been doing at home. Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!
Ahnaf’s drawing
Ahnaf’s kindness art
Ahnaf’s kindness super hero
Nyla’s art challenge
Samuel’s English work
Samuel’s maths work
Yaqoob’s maths work
Year 4
In Year 4, Adventurers Learners of the Week are Branicia and Ayah!
Ayah’s drawing
Ayah’s drawing
Ayah’s french work
Ayah’s symmetry work
Ayah’s science work
Branicia’s art
Branicia’s kindness badge design
Branicia’s English
Branicia’s sunset art
Branicia’s science
Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 4 have been doing at home. Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!
Seb’s art challenge
Riley’s maths work
Luke’s art challenge
Lucy’s science work
Lucy’s reading work
Lucy’s geography work
Lucy’s book review
Lexi’s art challenge
Lexi’s art challenge
Elijah’s maths work
Elijah’s history
Year 5
In Year 5, Pioneers Learners of the Week are Aleemah and Rosa! You have both been doing a fantastic job completing your home learning this week. I have really enjoyed reading your narrative paragraphs and responses to our reading questions based on an extract from the book ‘A boy called Mouse’. Keep up the great work girls! Well done.
Aleemah’s Artwork
Aleemah completing her vocabulary definitions for reading
Alemmah’s Maths
Aleemah’s responses to an extract from a book called ‘A boy called Mouse’
Aleemah’s English work
Maths work completed by Aleemah
English work completed by Rosa
Rosa’s Maths
Rosa completing her maths fluency questions
The narrative extract written by Rosa, we had to include different types of adverbials
Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 5 have been doing at home! Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!
Amelie’s English identifying types of sentences
Amelie’s Maths
Ashira’s English work
Ashira and her brother made a piece of Art
Ashira’s English work
Ashira’s Maths
Hanifa’s English work
Iulia’s shape work
Hanifa’s Maths
Hanifa creating some art inspired by Suzanne Saroff
Jumana’s Art inspired by Suzanne Saroff
Jumana has been making Pom Poms
Jumana’s responses to the text ‘A boy called Mouse’
Jumana’s English work
Junior and his brother keeping active outside
Junior’s English work
Junior’s Maths
Lewis has been practising his reading at home
Lucas completing some mental addition and subtraction
Lucas’s Drawing
Mahdi reading at home
Oskar’s Finish it Friday work
Oskar’s art in the style of Suzanne Saroff
Oskar’s home learning
Oskar doing the PE workout with Joe Wicks
Oskar is working hard at completing the book Journey to the River Sea
Shantira’s English
Shantira’s Maths
Rosie has been cooking and baking at home
Year 6
In Year 6, Pioneers Learners of the Week are Angelo and Thomas! Well done to both of you, you have been doing a great job at home completing all of your home learning this week. Thomas your writing this week has been brilliant and Angelo I am so pleased that you have enjoyed completing long division. Keep it up!
Angelo’s sock art
Angelo’s narrative paragraph
Angelo has enjoyed doing long division this week
Angelo’s Artwork
Angelo’s English work on Adverbials
Thomas has been learning about the 5 K’s in Sikhism
Thomas’s narrative part 1
Thomas’s narrative part 2
English work by Thomas
Some more English work by Thomas
Take a look at what Year 6 have been up to at home. You are all doing an amazing job, keep it up!
Niyaz completing his English
Niyaz’s Maths
One of many of Niyaz’s drawings
Nathalie made a poster about the 5 K’s of Sikhism
Nathalie’s English Narrative
Nadia’s Maths
Nadia has been baking at home
Finn’s Maths
Bibi made her own Tie Dye T shirt
Bibi’s Maths
Bibi’s artwork
Ahmed’s Kindness Supehero