We have loved seeing all the amazing home learning you have been doing. Please do continue to share this with us so we can award Dojo points and showcase it on our website!
A great big thank you to all the parents that continue to support their children with home learning. We truly appreciate any effort that has been made to ensure your children continue with their education whilst schools are closed.
In Nursery, Explorers Learners of the Week are Jaxson and Saphire!
Jaxson’s rhymes
Jaxson’s Homemade Binoculars
Jaxson drawing
Saphire practising maths
Saphire reading
Saphire looking at quantity
In Reception, Explorers Learners of the Week are Umar and Zaara!
Umar practising his fine motor skills
Umar’s tee
Umar’s rhymes
Zaara counting legs
Zaara’s answering questions about a story
Zaara’s rhyming words
Many other children in the class put in a lot of effort this week too here is just a few more of the amazing work we have had this week:
Aggelos’ tree decoration
Aggelos reflection
Geroge’s silly seats
George’s rhymes
Jemima present for her mum
Jemima’s rhymes
Year 1
In Year 1, Discoverers Learners of the Week are Olivia and Eloise!
Eloise reflecting on her day
Eloise, Billie-Grace and Nishy social distance picnic
Eloise’s baking at home
Olivia’s Antarctica based art
Olivia’s Pop art
Olivia’s Pop Art 2
Many other children in the class put in a lot of effort this week too here is just a few more of the amazing work we have had this week:
Billie-Grace’s story plan
Billie-Grace’s book
Ivy’s dragon
Ivy’s drawings
Nishy’s map on the solar system
Nishy’s baking at home
Year 2
In Year 2, Discoverers Learners of the Week are Zaynab and Charlie! They both have been completing loads of home learning this week. Here is a few of the things they have been up to:
Charlie’s book
Charlie’s interpretation of the story
Charlie practising with money
Zaynab’s maths work
Zaynab practising her times tables
Zaynab learning about Onomatopoeia
Year 3
In Year 3, Adventurers Learners of the Week are Alex and Naveed!
Alex practising his spellings
Naveed’s kindness poem
Naveed’s kindness badge
Naveed’s message to his mum
Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 3 have been doing at home. Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!
Ahnaf’s maths
Anisah’s English
Elly’s maths
Iulia’s maths
Samuel’s maths
Samuel’s reading
Samuel’s spellings
Year 4
In Year 4, Adventurers Learners of the Week are Luke and Ayah! Luke you have been working particularly hard in your home learning this week which is fantastic. It has been great seeing all the work you are doing at home. Ayah your Pop Art was fantastic! And you too have been working hard at home! Keep up the amazing work!
Ayah’s notes for her history lesson
Ayah’s Pop Art
Ayah’s Ice Cream Menu
Luke’s Maths work on decimals
Luke’s English work on Onomatopoeia
Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 4 have been doing at home. Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!
Branicia’s English work
Branicia’s Poem
Branicia has been practising her times tables
Elijah completing Maths work at school on decimals
Elijah’s safe space
Khosi attended a Black Lives Matter Protest
Lexi’s English work on figurative language
Lucy wrote a book review
Lucy’s Ice Cream Menu
Lucy’s maths work on decimals
Lucy’s Pop Art
Lucy wrote a newspaper article about one of the characters in our book ‘The Ice Cream Villain’
Riley’s English work on poetry
Year 5
Lockdown Learners of the week this week are Mahdi and Jumana! Mahdi you have done an absolutely amazing job with your home learning over the last two weeks! It has been lovely to see all of the work you are doing at home. Keep it up! Jumana as always you are an independent learner and your eagerness to learn is astounding! Keep it up!
Jumana’s Art work
Jumana’s character description
Some of Jumana’s Poetry work
Mahdi’s English work on figures of speech
Mahdi’s Free verse Poem
Take a look at some other fantastic things Year 5 have been doing at home. Amazing work everyone, keep sending through all of your work!
Amelie’s work on Figures of speech
Juniors work on decimals
Junior has been completing all of his work on Purple Mash!
Lucas completing Maths work on decimals
Lucas wrote a fantastic free verse poem about a cow.
Oskar’s drawing with Rob Biddulph
Oskar’s Art Challenge
Maths by Oskar
Rosa’s poem
Yusuf’s English work on Onomatopoeia
Yusuf’s Happy Place
Year 6
In Year 6, Pioneers Learners of the Week are Nathalie and Niyaz!
Nathalie’s poetry work
Nathalie’s reading comprehension
Nathalie’s poem
Nathalie’s maths
Niyaz’s computing
Niyaz’s art work
Niyaz’s nonsense words
Niyaz’s geography work
Niyaz’s history work
Niyaz’s maths
Niyaz’s maths
Take a look at what Year 6 have been up to at home and at school.
Angelo’s art
Angelo’s pop art
Bibi’s Spanish and spellings
Chanelle’s DT work
Chanelle’s English work on poems
Finn’s Haiku
Finn’s poetry planning
Finn’s reading
Finn’s viking longship
Nadia’s Haiku
Nadia’s poem plan
Rahima’s maths
Rahima’s poem to perform
Rahima’s Haiku
Thomas’ maths
Thomas’ poems
Thomas’ reading comprehension
Thomas’ maths