A great big thank you to all the parents that have supported their children with home learning. We truly appreciate any effort that has been made to ensure your children continue with their education during this unsettling change of routine. Just like in our celebration assemblies, we felt it would be appropriate to celebrate some of the children who have been working hard this week.
Take a look at some fantastic home learning our children have been doing! We love seeing our children continuing their learning from home. 🙂
Anna Maria was able to drew this lovely picture with her daddy’s help.
Thaio drew different insects he found in his garden and was able to write their names. Fantastic learning Thaio!
Thaio picked various different types of leaves from his garden and did leaf rubbings. Then Thaio decided he wanted to paint the leaves!
Look at Thaio practising multiplication and division. A true mathematician!
Owen found a flower starting to grow in the garden.
Aggelos looked out the window and tried to make a picture of what he saw.
George wrote a sentence about a flower he had seen in the bunch we sent to granny Sue for mother’s day.
“I like the red one best”
George drew a picture of what he can see from outside his bedroom window.
Luca made this lovely sunflower. He then wrote a sentence about it. Well done Luca !
Jemima joined her siblings in doing sums. True mathematician’s work!
Jemima was playing football with her Aunty in the garden. She then practiced doing her V.
Teddie drew a rainbow for the window.
Teddie’s interpretation of the view from her window.
George made a rocket out of Lego. He spent a long time making his rocket “the best ever”.
Zaara was very enthusiastic this morning about drawing and decorating the rainbow.
Lunan found different minibeasts in his garden. Fantastic!!
Luca is working very hard with practising his sentences.
Benjamin got creative to play with gloop!
Look at this lovely picture from Zaara 🙂
Year 1 Dolphins
In Year 1, I was really impressed this week by Eloise’s amazing story she has written about the space rocket she has made. Here is her amazing work:
Year 2/3 Whales
In Year 2/3, our lockdown learners of the week are Samuel and Jaden! They have been working hard at home completing the learning packs and completing their tasks set on Purple Mash.
Reading comprehension on The Great Fire of London by Jaden
Speed focused times tables practise by Jaden
Spellings practise by Samuel
DT by Samuel
Year 4
Year 5 Turtles
A big shout out goes to the following children who have been working hard to complete their home learning, and have handed in work on Purple Mash:
Amelie, Lexie M, Ashira, Yusuf, Lexie T, Hanifa, Jumana, Raihan, Aleemah, Lucas, Oskar, Junior, Mahdi, Rosa, Umayyah, Davi and Sihan.
Yusuf enjoying his work on Purple Mash
A river reflection painting completed by Umayyah
Lucas completing his home work out
Leaflet about Rivers and flooding written by Lexie T
Acrostic Poem written by Junior
Maths learning completed by Ashira
Post card written by Hanifa
Post Card written by Amelie
Post Card written by Ashira
Year 6 Sea Horses
In Year 6, our lockdown learners of the week are Bibi and Nathalie! They have been working hard at home completing their tasks set on Purple Mash. Well done girls.