Category: EYFS


Reception class learning about capacity in maths.


The children have been very interested in talking about the different seasons in the year. They were able to discuss the differences and similarities between the seasons before we focused on the spring. The children have engaged in our carpet discussions, talking about what they have noticed about the spring. We looked at different photographs …

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Easter Nests

The children had a fantastic last week of term, they have enjoyed lots of fun activities such as icing biscuits, an egg hunt in our nursery garden and making Easter nests. The children described this as “the best day ever!”

Chinese New Year

The children really enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.


For our first week back, Reception learnt all about New Year’s. Over the week we discussed the traditions people take part in when celebrating the New Year such as counting down to 10 and making resolutions. The children also created beautiful firework posers using oil pastels, which they then enjoyed smudging to blend different colours. …

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The Jolly Christmas Postman

The children in Nursery were amazed this week to watch our home corner transform into a Christmas post office inspired by our story ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman.’ We talked a lot about the features in letter writing and what needs to go on the front of an envelope. The children were very excited to write …

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Art Focus Week

Our budding artists in Nursery enjoyed our Art focus week as we studied the French artist Herve Tullet. We started our discussion on Monday by looking at famous paintings by different artists such as Monet and Van Gogh. They were very taken with the Mona Lisa and there were lots of interesting discussions about how …

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Autumn Celebrations

Also this week, in Nursery we talked about the different celebrations during the autumn. On Halloween, we talked about the story ‘Room on the Broom.’ We gathered round to conduct our own little science experiment. We talked about what would happen if we mixed an acid (vinegar) with an alkali (bicarbonate of soda). They were …

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In Nursery this week, we have been talking about the seasons. We have focused our learning on the season of Autumn. We talked about how and why the leaves change colour and fall from the trees. We also learnt some new vocabulary including the words ‘migrate’ and ‘hibernate.’ The children have enjoyed carving out pumpkins, …

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Colour Monster

Our Nursery children explored their feelings with the colour monster today and had some lovely ways to talk about how they were feeling.