Category: gallery

Autumn Term

One of our books we have be looking at in English is ‘The Paper Bag Princess.’ We started looking at the characters and how we can portray them to each other. We thought about our body language and how the characters would sound. We then acted out part of the story in pairs and performed …

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Colour Monster

Our Nursery children explored their feelings with the colour monster today and had some lovely ways to talk about how they were feeling.

Terrible Tusks

This week in English, Year 1 have been reading ‘Gruffalo crumble’ a recipe book. We have been learning about instructions – focussing on the language and structure used. Today, we followed some instructions from a recipe called ‘Terrible Tusks’. We washed and peeled different fruits, cut them and then placing them onto a straw to …

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Recycling & Investigating

Recycling Week in Nursery  For recycling week, the Nursery children learnt all about how to look after the planet. We discussed how we can recycle our rubbish in order to protect the habitat of the animals and sea creatures around us. “Picking some rubbish. We have to put it in the bin so the animals …

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Kidzania September 2023

As part of our aspirations week our year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes went to Kidzania, which is a scaled city replica of real life for children designed to empower and inspire. I think we can all agree, our children had a fantastic time.

Year 6 Maths

In Year Six, we have been learning about place value. We worked as a class to work out how to build Dienes block the size of 1 million!


Year 2 have enjoyed listening and responding to instruments being played by Mr Makondo. We loved the rhythm, rhyme and exploring responses to music. We created fantastic call and response chants and had fun with our learning.


This past week, for our Geography Entry Point lesson, we used Minecraft to help facilitate our new learning on megacities (our focus for the half term). A map pack was installed for the game that was a player-built recreation of the city of London, which included such places as Big Ben, the Tower of London, …

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Science Workshop

Our Year 5 Group went to Beaumont Secondary School recently for a science workshop based on chemical reactions. Needless to say, the children really enjoyed themselves.

Learning about shapes

The children have been learning about 2D flat shapes. They have been using lolly and sticks to create 2d and explore 3d shapes. This has given us the children an opportunity to investigate what shapes are around us and to creating different shapes with exiting shapes.


Half Term

School Closed 17th to 21st February 2025